Thursday, September 3, 2009

Comparing Your Insides with Everyone Else's Outsides

Comparing Your Insides with Others' Outsides-A Losing Proposition

  • Ever find yourself thinking that everyone else is more "together" than you?
  • Do you believe other people are naturally are more confident, smart, balanced and sane?
Welcome to the human race!! It's understandable to think other people are doing better than you because you are looking at their outside personas. You don't see the stuff that's going on inside.

Think about it. You go to a party and you see how clean and attractive their home is. You get holiday cards in the mail and see the lovely photos, read about the great things they are doing, how smart and accomplished their kids are etc.

What you don't see is what the house looked like before they got ready for the party, how the kids spent the morning of the photo fighting and it's a constant stuggle to get the kids to do their homework!!

And you know what? They probably think the same thing about you! Your house looks pretty good when you have guests. I'm sure your holiday cards focus on the positives in your family life. Who wants to hear about bad stuff?

Here's what's happening, you may feel inferior to others because you are comparing your insides-the doubts, the flaws, the nitty gritty of life, to everyone elses' outsides and it's a no-win situation!! No wonder you feel inferior!

It's not fair to put yourself in that situation. Before you put yourself down, remember that they have lots of stuff going on inside that you don't know about. (That's why we like to hear the gossip about the rich and famous-it normalizes them!) If you really want to compare yourself with another, compare the "inside" information as well as the "outside" so you're on the same level.

The good news about sharing all parts of ourselves is that mutual authenticity and openness creates more honest and real relationships! And who doesn't want that?

This Is Your Life....Make It What You Want!

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