Thursday, June 4, 2009

Are You a Worrier?

"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, It empties today of its strength." unknown

How many of you know someone who identifies themselves as a "worrier." Perhaps you're one of them. It's pretty darned common. Worry does not serve you well. Worry zaps your energy and prevents you from taking care of today because you are so focused on what might happen in the future!! As an addictions counselor we used to call worry an intoxicating emotion. It keeps you out of the present and it keeps you stuck.

It's easy to use all your energy reacting to phantom outcomes of the future...which keeps you from planning for or preventing the actual outcome you might be worried about! Worrying about potential events is a waste of creativity, strength and power. When you catch yourself fretting about possible negative outcomes, stop yourself and think of right now.

Some people love the adrenaline and drama that comes with worry...that's the intoxicating part. It feels good (?) in the moment, but doesn't solve anything. It takes up energy, but in reality you're just spinning your wheels and going nowhere. If you are a worrier and want more strength and power in your life, find ways to stay in the present and use your energy to move forward, not get stuck spinning your wheels.

When you catch yourself fretting about possible negative outcomes, stop yourself and think of today. What can you do right now to address or prepare for possibilities in the future. Take action! Do what you can, then let it go. Save your strength for the real outcome rather than wasting energy on the imagined scenarios. (And think about it, only one outcome is going to actually occur, so why fret over all the outcomes that aren't even going to happen!!!)

This Is Your Life....Make it what you want!

1 comment:

  1. What, me worry? (This is for all those Alfred E. Neuman fans out there :-))
