Monday, April 27, 2009

Focus on your Strengths

I often talk to clients about their strengths. As a culture we tend to focus on our faults, our gaps, our deficits. We think we need to "fix" our weaknesses. I believe that focusing on your weaknesses takes away from the very things that make you unique and ignores the gifts you have to offer the world and those around you.

I'm a big fan of Positive Psychology and Dr. Martin Seligman. His organization focuses on the concept of Signature Strengths. The philosophy is that you don't have to be different than who you are, you just need to be more of who you are.

How do you do that? Your strengths, specifically our Signature Strengths, will get you through difficulties in your life. Once you identify your signature strengths, you have all you need to get unstuck....focusing on your strengths is the key, not your weaknesses.

Go to and take the Signature Strengths Questionnaire and see for yourself! When you are stuck, what strengths are you overusing or underusing? Use that as your guide for your next step. Here's to being more of who you are!

Good luck-would love to hear what you think!

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