Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Z104 Madison, WI - Connie and Fish - WZEE-FM

Z104 Madison, WI - Connie and Fish - WZEE-FM

Click on the link above, then scroll down til you see my face...April 24th.
I'm just above Obama without a shirt on!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Focus on your Strengths

I often talk to clients about their strengths. As a culture we tend to focus on our faults, our gaps, our deficits. We think we need to "fix" our weaknesses. I believe that focusing on your weaknesses takes away from the very things that make you unique and ignores the gifts you have to offer the world and those around you.

I'm a big fan of Positive Psychology and Dr. Martin Seligman. His organization focuses on the concept of Signature Strengths. The philosophy is that you don't have to be different than who you are, you just need to be more of who you are.

How do you do that? Your strengths, specifically our Signature Strengths, will get you through difficulties in your life. Once you identify your signature strengths, you have all you need to get unstuck....focusing on your strengths is the key, not your weaknesses.

Go to and take the Signature Strengths Questionnaire and see for yourself! When you are stuck, what strengths are you overusing or underusing? Use that as your guide for your next step. Here's to being more of who you are!

Good luck-would love to hear what you think!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Being Authentic-great quote!

"So often we wait for the climate and conditions in life to be perfect before we feel safe enough to step forward, trust, and be our authentic selves. What we don't realize is that in order to create the ideal climate we are waiting for, we must be authentic first."

-Sonia Choquette

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Follow Your Energy

Follow Your Energy...

We all have lots of demands in our lives - long "to do" lists and ongoing competition for our time, energy and attention. How do you prioritize and decide which gets your attention?

Of course, there are some things you have to tend to....a crying child, an emergency at work, or water shooting out of your kitchen faucet (don't laugh, that's not a stretch at my house!). But what about the non-emergency demands? Let's say you have three or four tasks that need to be done and you can't decide where to start.

"What should you do first?" As you know, the word "should" is a four letter word in my life (actually it's 6 letters, but you get my point)'s full of judgment and using it gives your power and control to something or someone outside yourself.

Focusing on a should is a disempowering way to operate.

Replace that question with, "Where do you want to start?" Of all the things on your list, which draws you in more and where your energy lead you?

For me, today was a great example. I had lots on my "to do" list but the two biggies were writing my newsletter and cleaning up the yard before the new growth takes over. Asking the standard "should" question, lead me to think writing may be the top priority because I have a deadline and a belief that business work should take priority (there's that word again). The problem was I wasn't feeling very creative, I didn't know what I wanted to write about and was really kind of dreading it.

Do I suck it up and just work on it anyway?

Then I asked the question I often ask my clients. What do I really want to do? Where's my energy? The answer? Get outside!! It's beautiful, I was motivated and needing to move my body.

If my newsletter is be it!

And you know what happened? I got 90 minutes of productive work done outside and as I was working, my newsletter topic came to me! How cool is that? I came inside and started writing. If I had forced myself to sit down and write I would have wasted a good chunk of time at the computer trying to come up with something, not gotten any real writing done and not getting any work done outside either!

Going with my energy was actually energizing!

When you're struggling with priorities, ask not what you should do, ask what you want to do! Follow your energy and trust that the results will take care of themselves.

To subscribe to my free e-newsletter, go to and click on newsletters.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Let Your Light Shine

“I am not bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed,
but I am bound to live up to what light I have.”
-Abraham Lincoln

Happy Spring! It’s great seeing new life outside-I actually have some tulips coming up in my front yard! The days are getting longer and I love the extra daylight at the end of the day. As I enjoy the light outside this evening, it occurs to me that this is a good time to appreciate the light shining from within as well.

Reading Abraham Lincoln’s quote above reminds me of why I’ve become a Life Coach. It reflects the core of what I believe in my life and in my coaching business. I named my business “This Is Your Life” because I believe that this is YOUR life, not anyone else’s. You need to be true to yourself and allow the best of you to come through. There is not a "right" way to live, there’s only a right way for you. You have your own light and you need to live up to that light.
Much of my coaching is helping people find their personal truths. I help you look inside to discover who you really are and what's really important to you. It's a bit frightening at times, but I assure you, it's worth it in the end. When you figure out who you really are, it becomes a guiding force for the rest of your life! And isn't that what we are all looking for? A guiding force to give us direction and help us through the tough times. You have that guiding light inside you, all you have to do is take some time to find it!
Good luck and enjoy.